I invite you to join me in a movement.


Recently I was invited to give a TEDx Talk; I shared a deeply personal story of redemption. Since that time I have received a ton of messages from people who either saw the talk live, on video, or had a friend or family member tell them about it.

From the high school guidance counselor who initiated a project among her 1500+ students to love the things about themselves they’ve previously hated, to the 66-year-old woman who finally has the courage to admit to her family that she is a lesbian, to the man who reconciled with his estranged son, I continue to receive one inspirational story after the next.

My biggest wish is to pay it forward. If you resonate with the message from my TEDx talk, I request that you share it with your communities because I humbly believe that this message has the power to set people free, empower them and heal them. I say this because after seventeen years of being a public speaker, this talk transcends anything I’ve ever spoken about before.

I’ll leave you with the words of a woman who reached out this morning after finding my talk online. “I had no idea what to expect. When I clicked ‘play,’ I was one person, and fifteen minutes later I was changed. Something deep within me has been healed. On behalf of my children, I thank you.”