So, your friend said something rude about you behind your back. You find out from someone else on accident, and naturally, you get mad. When you confront your friend, they apologize, and you forgive them, because that’s what you’re supposed to do, right? But, you can’t help but still feel anger towards them for saying such mean, hurtful things.

In today’s video, I talk about the art of forgiveness.

True forgiveness, which may seem like it’s about appeasing someone else who’s done you wrong, is actually about you. To truly forgive isn’t to condone what they’ve done, no matter how big or small it is. It’s about freeing yourself from whatever has hurt you, and not letting it weigh you down anymore.

To forgive can take time. This is perfectly okay, in fact, you want to take as much time as you need. Some wounds don’t heal overnight. You need your own time to make peace and move on with the situation, and not forgive someone on the spot because you feel pressure to, or because it’s the “right thing to do.” The road to authentic forgiveness heeds personal growth. Tell yourself that you’ve become a better person for going through what you did. You’re stronger now.

It’s important to remember that you’re in control in these situations. You can choose to constantly worry and stress about how you’ve been wronged, or you can vent it out, stand up, and dust yourself off. The only way to move past something bad that has happened is to take control of your actions, and choose to stop reliving the past. Focus on what’s happening now in your life. Focus on the good things, and the things you enjoy. You can’t change what happened, but you can control what happens.

After you watch the video, I’d love to hear from you. In the comments down below, join the conversation and let me know how you’ve been set free by forgiveness. Was it hard? How do you feel now?

Always remember: to truly forgive is to set yourself free.
