Today I logged on to my my personal Facebook page for the first time in weeks. When I did, I saw a bunch of cute baby photos and wedding photos and a smattering of funny posts. When I dug a little deeper, though, I learned that a dear friend’s father had passed away, another friend was facing divorce after a fifteen-year marriage, and another friend is undergoing chemotherapy. I’m sure my friends are no different than anyone else’s…we all deal with a lot of challenges in life. What’s more is we’re not prepared with how to deal with them.

Sure, we learn math, reading and computers, but do we learn how to be powerful in the face of change, ambiguity, or difficulty? Unfortunately, when that happens we’re usually trying to just figure it out. Which isn’t a particularly effective strategy, if you’ve noticed!

That’s why Forbes Magazine and I put this piece together! I’ve been speaking with them over there for quite a while now (they’re one of my all-time favorite magazines ever!), because I feel that resilience is a skill that can be developed and mastered. They agreed, so today, we’re thrilled to share 8 Resilience Behaviors That Help You Recover and Thrive…no matter WHAT you’re dealing with!

In a moment I’ll send you over to the magazine article, but before I do, I have a request of you. Bring to mind the people in your life that are going through challenges right now. (Hint: some people are going through challenges but are keeping that under wraps.) I’m asking that you reach out to them and share this article, so that it can uplift and empower them with all they’re going through.

I truly believe we’re all here to help one another. I also believe that I went through the abduction as a teenager because I was meant to rise above it and give away the lessons I learned. I feel it’s my duty to pay it forward so that other people don’t have to suffer.

Forbes email

Please join me. Give this away.

I’m blessed and honored to share this life with you.
