There’s a new documentary short film series called IT’S WHO YOU KNOW that I’m super psyched to tell you about.

Two award-winning TV producer/director/writer/exec friends of mine put it together as a passion project. It started out because over the past twenty years the two of them kept telling each other, “You’ve got to meet this friend of mine.” Finally, they decided to chronicle some of those people on film.

The series is launching today and features everyone from an indie-rock catalyst, to a network TV star turned psychotherapist, to a renowned drummer who survived something most of us could never imagine, yet has an incredible outlook on life. Each documentary short is only about five minutes long, yet paints the picture of a whole unique world. I’m honored to be one of the subjects.

In the words of Eric and Scott, the filmmakers, “‘It’s who you know’ is a true-ringing, if not annoying cliché. But we’re not talking about the ‘who you know’ that gets you the killer job, a table at your favorite restaurant, or the front row seats. We mean literally ‘who you know’ – the incredibly interesting people that we’ve come into contact with during the course of this bizarre and circuitous path our lives have taken… We’ve taken the time to know them and their story. Now we’re taking the time to tell their story, because they’re just too good not to, and also because we’re just the guys to do it.”


Check out the short film series for yourself; I think you’ll be as inspired as I have been.

As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Using the comments section below, let me know what you’re thinking, including which of the films you enjoyed most and why.