Last week I launched RISE, a brand-new docuseries which profiles people with compelling stories of triumph over trauma. With all of the frightening things happening in this world right now, I feel that RISE is needed now more than ever. It is a deeply divisive, politically-charged time, and my hope in making it is that these stories will bring people together and build bridges that have been broken, highlighting how we have much more in common as people than what separates us. 

I’m truly humbled to share with you the stories of these amazing people. I hope their words inspire and uplift you the way they do to me. My plan is to turn RISE into a regular series. If you’d like a chance to tell your story, I’ll let you know when we begin taking submissions again. For now, you can swatch each of the twelve episodes of the first season right here.

I hope you enjoy watching these inspiring stories as much as I did shooting them. I think that now more than ever it’s important that the news feature stories of what’s right in the world, rather than just what’s wrong with the world. I’ve been shouting that commitment from the rooftops, and I’m deeply honored that the media took notice:

– Last week RISE was featured on CNN’s Headline News. Watch the segment here.
– Today, Forbes Magazine featured RISE. Read the article here

I hope these stories uplift you and empower you to face the challenges in your own life.

From my heart to yours – with respect, love, and profound gratitude. ♥️
