Hey, Ya’ll!

A couple of months ago I mentioned the incredible movie and book that I’m blessed to be a part of; it’s called Discover The Gift.  Discover The Gift is an inspiring documentary about the spiritual journey of awakening to our true purpose in life — to follow our passion and share our gifts. It’s why we’re here.

The movie is co-created by the award-winning filmmaker Demian Lichtenstein & his sister Shajen Joy Aziz, and stars H.H. The Dalai Lama, Jack Canfield & Mark Victor Hansen, Janet Bray Attwood, Michael Bernard Beckwith and yours truly just to name a few.

Here’s a video of highlights from the premiere of the motion picture, Discover The Gift held at the Agape International Spiritual Center, March 18, 2011. The Red Carpet event was hosted by Michael Bernard Beckwith, and attended by celebrities, luminaries and guests who were greeted by the creators of the movie, book, and movement — Demian and Shajen. After the screening, there was a Q & A by a panel of distinguished guest speakers.

If you pay extra special attention from about 3:54 to 4:22 on the video, you might just see someone you know!

For more information on screenings in your area, as well as information on Random House’s upcoming release of the book, check out the Discover The Gift website here.