Discover The Gift, the brilliant documentary film, book and movement that I am honored to be featured in is at the Sundance Film Festival this week!

The crew is up there screening the film and conducting “man on the street” interviews. My favorite: Maya, the beautiful, articulate, wise-beyond-her-years, daughter of Shajen Joy Aziz, one of the filmmakers. Check out Maya’s interview below; you’ll love it!

Make sure to go see Discover The Gift when it’s released later on this spring! Also look out for the Discover The Gift book, published by Crown/Random House.

Here’s more about the movie, the book, and the movement:

Discover the Gift is an internationally-acclaimed feature length documentary Starring Michael Bernard Beckwith, H.H. The Dalai Lama, Jack Canfield, Marianne Williamson, Janet Attwood and Cheryl Hunter, to name a few.

Discover the Gift was created by award-winning filmmaker, Demian Lichtenstein, with his sister, Shajen Joy Aziz, that celebrates the basic but vital reality that there are Gifts in each person, and in all circumstances, that are simply awaiting discovery. The degree to which you nurture, educate, and allow the miracle of your Gift to live is in direct proportion to the degree to which you will experience full self expression, joy and connectedness.

Framed by the touching personal narrative of siblings Lichtenstein and Aziz, Discover the Gift describes their journey from tragedy to triumph, as they create a life of joy, power, fulfillment, freedom, and unconditional love.

Until it’s released, you can at least enjoy the film’s trailer: