Let’s face it; there has been a lot of bad news in the world of late.

That’s why I’m especially excited to share this piece with you, to remind you that you are bigger than any and all circumstances that come your way.

I recently had the honor of being interviewed by Gail Lynne Goodwin, who published the interview on both Inspire Me Today and Care 2 Make a Difference. You can check out the interview here.

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The whole point of the interview is to serve as a reminder that in the midst of all that’s happening, you have the power to determine how life will go. You are more powerful and more magnificent than you can even imagine!

I’d love to hear your comments and what the interview awakens within you! Please share this post with your friends and family who are going through tough times, and let them know that they can choose the outcome of any circumstance they’re faced with.

To your magnificence,