What’s the deal with forgiveness?

What’s the deal with forgiveness?

Virtually every human being who has ever walked the planet has endured some circumstance that they don’t want, didn’t chose, or are unwilling to accept. Some claim that forgiveness is the solution when that happens. But what’s the deal with...
Are you stressing out about stress?

Are you stressing out about stress?

Did you know April is National Stress Awareness Month? It’s not as fun as “National Donut Day,” but hey, that already happened this year. Seriously, though, it’s no secret that stress can be dangerous to our mental, physical, and emotional health. So much so, The...
Success on the outside… broken on the inside

Success on the outside… broken on the inside

Do you ever feel like you’re putting in more and more hours and working harder and harder, yet you feel like you’re falling short of what you’re truly supposed to be doing with your one precious life? Maybe the harder you push yourself the more confused you become...
Is Balance a Myth? (Evelyn’s Story)

Is Balance a Myth? (Evelyn’s Story)

Have you ever wondered if you need to get out of your own way? Evelyn was in her own way, but no one had to tell her; she already knew. She was allocating virtually every hour of every day to her business — period, end of story. The precious few hours per day that she...