Happy Thanksgiving for all of you joining us from the United States

I recently wrote an article for Women’s Day Magazine that can help make your holiday more memorable; I’ve excerpted a piece from that article to share with you here.

If you’d like to have a holiday season that is beyond the ordinary, then by all means, use this exercise with your loved ones! I call it “A Twist On Giving Thanks.” It really can help deepen your relationships in a beautiful and lasting way.

Taking the time to re-frame the circumstances in your life can give you far more to be thankful for than you could have ever imagined.

Check out today’s video for how to do that.

Once you watch the video, I’d love to hear from you. Using the comments section below, let me know what situation from your own life initially troubled you that you now find to be a blessing … even if you’re just seeing the blessing now for the first time.

It is my honor to walk this path with you. Thank you for being a part of this community.

Happy holidays to you and yours!
